Day: September 17, 2020

A chill creeps into the air.  School buses zip through neighborhoods ferrying youngsters to school.  The peak of summer is a fading memory, a languid dream sandwiched between academic semesters. For students, homework now begins to pile up.  Marching bands drum and play outdoors as football players practice tackling each other in adjacent fields.  

In many churches, in a normal year, the summer doldrums would also be over.  Attendance picks up dramatically. Sunday school resumes. The senior pastor is back from vacation.  The summer musicians have disbanded and the “A Team” choir or praise team is back.  

Of course, in 2020, these normal rhythms have been disrupted.  Virtuality is the norm in many places, including the church.  In my virtual church playlist for this week, I have decided to simulate the end of summer by adding some special musical touches, particularly the thrilling hymn “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, and the opening brass and organ duo performing “The Prince of Denmark March”.  I picture the service beginning with a full choir in procession.  In the churches that go for “high church” ceremony, the incense is back, and we see the processional cross sticking out above billowing clouds of rose scented smoke.

I pray you will enjoy the virtual service.  May you be edified by this week’s Scripture readings.