Tag: Pentecost Season

  1. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 51.
  2. Anthem: Sergei Rachmaninoff – “Priidite, poklonimsya” (“O come, let us worship”) sung by University of Warsaw Choir in a live recording from the “Vivat Academia” competition held by the Warsaw University of Technology on 18th April 2015.  Used in accordance with the Creative Commons license.
  3. First Reading: Isaiah 44:6-8, World English Bible.
  4. Psalm 86:11-17, King James Version.
  5. Gloria Patri, excerpted from William Byrd (c. 1540-1623), “Nunc Dimimtis, Tone I in Faburdon”, from St. Thomas Church, 5th Avenue webcast circa 2012. (Fair Use).
  6. Second Reading: Romans 8:12-25, World English Bible.
  7. Hymn: “Be Thou My Vision”, 1st verse, sung at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, uploaded to YouTube by “Ad te levavi animam meam”, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  8. Gospel: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From Luke 11.
  10. Blessing: 2 Corinthians 13.
  11. Postlude: J. S. Bach (1685-1750) “Fantasia and fugue in C Minor” BWV 537. Performed by David Schaller; Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.  

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond the Revised Common Lectionary.

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2020
  1. Anthem: Christopher Tye (1505-1572), “O Come, Ye Servants of the Lord.” Performed by the Vespercantorij of the Groningen Student Church during Vespers in the Martini Church of Groningen, Netherlands, May 29, 2011.  Uploaded to YouTube by “niekdd” and used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  2. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 51.
  3. First Reading: Isaiah 55:10-13, World English Bible.
  4. Psalm 65:1-13, King James Version.
  5. Gloria Patri, excerpted from Herbert Brewer (1865-1928), “Magnificat in D”, sung by “The Consort”, members of St John the Evangelist, Redhill, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  6. Second Reading: Romans 8:1-11, World English Bible.
  7. Organ Sequence: Starling Goodwin – London New — Interlude 3, uploaded to YouTube by “chordis & organo”, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  8. Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From Luke 11.
  10. Blessing: 2 Corinthians 13.
  11. Amen: Extracted from William Byrd (c. 1540-1623), “Siderum rector, Deus alme, nostris”, from St. Thomas Church, 5th Avenue, webcast circa 2012. (Fair Use)
  12. Postlude: Georg Böhm (1661-1733), Extract from Partita “Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele”, performed by Benjamin Alard on the 1694 organ at St. Sixtus und Sinicius’s church in Hohenkirchen, Germany. Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.  

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary.

Celebration for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 2020
  1. Prelude: “America the beautiful”, by the U.S. Army Band, in the public domain at Archive.org.
  2. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 51.
  3. Music (Standing in place of Old Testament Scripture: Zechariah 9:9-12): “Rejoice Greatly, O Daughters of Zion”. From G.F. Handel’s “Messiah”, uploaded to YouTube by Eben Visher, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  4. Psalm 145:8-14, King James Version.
  5. Gloria Patri, instrumental (piano), uploaded to YouTube by Christina Iqupen, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  6. Second Reading: Romans Romans 7:15-25, World English Bible.
  7. Hymn: “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?”, verse 1, excerpted from a live service at the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, NYC, in 2013.
  8. Gospel: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: Earl Killian. Used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  10. Blessing: 2 Corinthians 13.
  11. Postlude: “America the beautiful”, performed on guitar, uploaded to Archive.org by Rick Zerndt; In the public domain.  

Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond the the Revised Common Lectionary.

  1. Organ Prelude: Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911), Prelude from Third Sonata for Organ. Performed at Immanuel Congregational Church, Harford in Nov 2012, in Public domain at Archive.org.
  2. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 51.
  3. First Reading: Jeremiah 28:5-9, World English Bible.
  4. Hymn: “To Thee O Lord be Glory Given”, Public domain.
  5. Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18, King James Version.
  6. Gloria Patri, excerpted from “Venite Sunday Matins”, uploaded to YouTube by Pearce Singers, fair use.
  7. Second Reading: Romans 6:12-23, World English Bible.
  8. Organ sequence: Starling Goodwin – Interlude 2, on the organ of the church of St Mary, Bermondsey, uploaded to YouTube by chordis & organo, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  9. Gospel: Matthew 10:40-42, World English Bible.
  10. The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6.
  11. Blessing: 2 Corinthians 13.
  12. Amen: JS Bach (1685-1750), “Amen” BWV 1083 by Ensemble Imero. Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain.

  1. Opening Acclamation from Psalm 118.
  2. Hymn: “Nearer My God To Thee”, performed on guitar, by NOH DONGHWAN, Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  3. First Reading: Jeremiah, World English Bible.
  4. Psalm 69: 7-18, King James Version.
  5. Gloria Patri, from Wednesday Vespers – Sanctified 2018 Tacoma, uploaded to YouTube by Pacific Lutheran University, and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  6. Second Reading: Romans 6:1-11, World English Bible.
  7. Organ sequence: Starling Goodwin — Old 100th — Interlude 2, uploaded to Youtube by chordis & organo, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  8. Gospel: Matthew 10:24-39, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer (sung): From Vespers according to the Brotherhood Prayer Bood, sung at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN, and uploaded to YouTube by Benjamin Mayes, and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  10. Closing prayer: From the Australian Prayer Book.
  11. Hymn: “Take my Life and Let it Be”, by Vallejo Drive SDA Church, 2017, used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  12. Blessing: The Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6 (King James Version).
  13. Organ Postlude: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) “Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten” (He who allows dear God to rule), BWV 691, played on 1531 organ at the Mariakerk in Kreward, Netherlands, uploaded by Jon Liinason; Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain.

Corpus Christi 2020
  1. Prelude: Antonio Cabezon (1510-1556), “Pange Lingua” performed by organist Riyehee Hong at Santa Iglesia Cathedral, Murcia, Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  2. Opening Acclamation from John 6: “I am the bread of life.”
  3. First Reading: Exodus 19:2-8, World English Bible.
  4. Psalm: Old 100th. Washington National Cathedral Singers, performed in 2015, used in accordance with Creative Commons license. The organ overpowers the singing at times, so here is the text: “All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. Serve him with joy, his praises tell, come now before him and rejoice! Know that the Lord is God indeed; he formed us all without our aid. We are the flock he surely feeds, the sheep who by his hand were made. O enter then his gates with joy, within his courts his praise proclaim! Let thankful songs your tongues employ. O bless and magnify his name! Because the Lord our God is good, his mercy is forever sure. His faithfulness at all times stood and shall from age to age endure.”
  5. Second Reading: Romans 5: 1-8, World English Bible.
  6. Motet: William Byrd (1539/40-1623), “O quam suavis est”, performed by Ars Musica, available in Public Domain at Archive.org.  Translation: “O how sweet is thy spirit, Lord, thou who, in order to demonstrate thy sweetness to thy children, send down from heaven the sweetest bread unsurpassed, filling the hungry with good things, sending away empty the disdainful rich!
  7. Gospel: Matthew 9:35-10:23, World English Bible.
  8. The Lord’s Prayer: Chanted by unknown congregation, uploaded to YouTube by “LabourerFaith”, and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  9. Blessing: The Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6 (King James Version).
  10. Organ Postlude: Matías Aliaga López (1825-1865), “Pange Lingua” performed by organist Riyehee Hong at Santa Iglesia Cathedral, Murcia, Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain.