Tag: “Adeste Fideles”

  1. Prelude: “Adeste Fideles” performed by ALTA BELLEZZA, Ann Allen and Hann Geisel on shawms, and Nathaniel Wood on slide trumpet; From Midnight mass on 24th December 2019, at St. Mauritius, Schötz, Switzerland.  Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  2. First Reading: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26, King James Bible.
  3. Carol: “In Dulci Jubilo” performed by Eva Cernanska (soprano), Liubov Melnyk (alto), Xabier Monton (tenor), and Raul del Toro (Organ), at the parish of El Salvador in Pamplona, uploaded to YouTube by “Canentes Domino”, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.  English Lyrics: “In sweet rejoicing, now sing and be glad! Our hearts’ joy lies in the manger; And it shines like the sun in the mother’s lap. You are the Alpha and Omega!” (The most common English version is “Good Christian men rejoice”)
  4. Psalm 148, King James Version.
  5. Carol: “Silent Night”, sung by Malden High School Concert Choir at their 2018 State House Holiday Concert, uploaded to YouTube by Chris Murphy and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  6. Second Reading: Colossians 3:12-17, World English Bible.
  7. Carol: “Away in a Manger” from 2014 YouTube Video “A Christmas Offering: Three Christmas Carols Arranged for Baroque Guitar”, performed by Raymond Andrews, used in accordance with Creative Commons license. 
  8. Gospel: Luke 2:41-52, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From the Book of Common Prayer 1662.
  10. Blessing: 2nd Corinthians 13.
  11. Carol: “Adeste Fideles” performed by Collegium Vocale, in 2017, available at Wikimedia Commons, and used in accordance with the Creative Commons license.
  12. Organ postlude: Johann S Bach (1685-1750) “Puer natus in Bethlehem” BWV 603, from Orgelbüchlein, performed by Jens Engel on the Orgel der Christuskirche Lohmar. Available on youtube, and used in accordance with Creative Commons license. 

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

Christmas 1st Sunday, Lectionary Year B
  1. Prelude: “Adeste Fideles” performed by ALTA BELLEZZA, Ann Allen and Hann Geisel on shawms, and Nathaniel Wood on slide trumpet; From Midnight mass on 24th December 2019, at St. Mauritius, Schötz, Switzerland.  Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  2. First Reading: Isaiah 61:10-62:3, King James Bible.
  3. Carol: “Noël nouvelet” by Verum, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.  English Lyrics: (1) Noël nouvelet, sing we a new Noël. Thank we now our God, and of His goodness tell; Sing we Noël to greet the newborn King; Noël nouvelet, a new Noël we sing! (2) Waking from my sleep, a vision came to me; For before my eyes there stood a flow’ring tree, Where on a bright red rosebud I did see. Noël nouvelet, a new Noël sing we. (3) How my heart did glow, with inward joy divine! For with rays of glory did the rosebud shine, As when the sun doth blaze on break of day. This new Noël sing we: Noël nouvelet!
  4. Psalm 148, King James Version.
  5. Carol: “Silent Night”, sung by Malden High School Concert Choir at their 2018 State House Holiday Concert, uploaded to YouTube by Chris Murphy and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  6. Second Reading: Galatians 4:4-7, World English Bible.
  7. Carol: “Away in a Manger” from 2014 YouTube Video “A Christmas Offering: Three Christmas Carols Arranged for Baroque Guitar”, performed by Raymond Andrews, used in accordance with Creative Commons license. 
  8. Gospel: Luke 2:22-40, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From Matthew.
  10. Blessing: 2nd Corinthians 13.
  11. Organ postlude: Johann S Bach (1685-1750) “Puer natus in Bethlehem” BWV 603, from Orgelbüchlein, performed by Jens Engel on the Orgel der Christuskirche Lohmar. Available on youtube, and used in accordance with Creative Commons license. 

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.