Category: Feasts and Seasons

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Call to Worship: Psalm 149:1
  2. Hymn: “For all the Saints” by the congregation of Immanuel Congregational Church, in the public domain at
  3. First Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-16, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 146, King James Bible.
  5. Motet: Tomas Luis da Victoria (1548-1611): “O quam gloriosum”, sung at St. Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church in Ottumwa, Iowa. The choir is the Cantus Angelicus Choral Society. This was in the public domain, at Translation: “O, how glorious is the kingdom, in which all the saints rejoice with Christ!  Arrayed in white robes, they follow the Lamb, wherever He goes.”
  6. Second Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28, World English Bible.
  7. Organ interlude: “At the Lamb’s High Feast we Sing” (Salzburg)
  8. Gospel: Mark 12:38-44, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: Chanted by unknown congregation, uploaded to YouTube by “LabourerFaith”, and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  10. Blessing: The Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6 (King James Version).
  11. Organ postlude: Marc Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704): “Te Deum Prelude in D Major”, performed on the 1907 Voit organ at Diakoniekirche Luther in Mannheim Neckarstadt West, uploaded to YouTube by “RomanticChurchOrgan” and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

The last Sunday in October is honored in many Protestant churches as “Reformation Sunday”, recalling that on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther made public his 95 theses which, according to legend, he nailed to the door of the Castle church in Wittenburg, Germany. The opening hymn selected for today, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”, was written by Luther himself. Also, in honor of another holiday coming up that coincides with that date, I have chosen a special treat for the organ postlude in this virtual service.

23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 46:1.
  2. Organ Prelude: “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” performed at Uppsala Cathedral by Diane Bish, from “Hymns and Sacred Songs II”, used in accordance with Creative Commons License
  3. First Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-9, King James Bible.
  4. Hymn: “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” sung by an unknown congregation. Public domain.
  5. Psalm 119:1-8, King James Bible.
  6. Motet: Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) “Beati Quorum Via”, based on Psalm 119:1, sung by the choir of St. John the Evangelist, Redhill, uploaded to YouTube by Ginette and Peter Nye, and used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  7. Second Reading: Hebrews 9:11-14, World English Bible.
  8. Organ sequence: Johann Christoph Bach (1642-1703) “Wir glauben all an einen Gott”, performed on the organ of Sta. Maria church, Montblanc, Tarragona, Catalunya, Spain. Uploaded to YouTube by “Bablung music”, and used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  9. Gospel: Mark 12:28-34, World English Bible.
  10. The Lord’s Prayer: from Matthew 6.
  11. Blessing: 1 Timothy 1:17.
  12. Organ Postlude: Johan Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): “Toccata and Fugue in D minor.” Played by Fyodor Stroganov (organ). Recorded from a concert on 10/04/2015 at the Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul. The organizer is the Collegium musicum concert agency. Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

22nd Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 107:1
  2. Hymn: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”, verse 1; sung circa 2015 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. This was uploaded to YouTube by a user named “ad te levavi animam meam” and is here used in accordance with the Creative Commons license.
  3. First Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 126, King James Bible.
  5. Second Reading: Hebrews 7:23-28, World English Bible.
  6. Hymn: “Open My Eyes That I May See” Sung at Fountainview Academy, uploaded to YouTube by Terceiro Anjo, and used in accordance with the Creative Commons License.
  7. Gospel: Mark 10:46-52, World English Bible.
  8. The Lord’s Prayer: From Luke.
  9. Blessing: 2 Corinthians 13:14.
  10. Choral “Amen”, public domain.
  11. Organ postlude: William Harris “Postlude in G”, Performed at Immanuel Congregational Church, in the public domain at

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

21st Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Opening Sentence: From the Book of Common Prayer, 1662
  2. Hymn: “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus”, performed by organist Diane Bish, from “Joy of Music” program “9913 Great Organs and Churches of France”. Used in accordance with the Creative Commons license.
  3. First Reading: Isaiah 53:4-12, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 91:9-16, King James Bible.
  5. Hymn: “Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer”, unknown congregation, in the public domain at
  6. Second Reading: Hebrews 5:1-10, World English Bible.
  7. Organ sequence: “Ite Confessor Ist” Hymn Tune, played on the organ at Norwich Cathedral, used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  8. Gospel: Mark 10:35-45, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From the Book of Common Prayer, 1662.
  10. Benediction: From the Book of Common Prayer, 1662.
  11. Organ postlude: Nicholaus Bruhns (1665-1697) “E-moll Preludium,” performed by Bertalan Nagy on the organ of the Lutheran Church in Deák Square. 2021. This recording is used in accordance with the Creative Commons license.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

  1. Opening Acclamation: Psalm 19.
  2. Hymn: “Praise to The Lord, The Almighty the King of Creation”, sung by an anonymous congregation, in the public domain.
  3. First Reading: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 90:12-17, King James Bible.
  5. Gloria Patri: From a live service at the First Presbyterian Church of Wolcott. Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  6. Second Reading: Hebrews 4:12-16, World English Bible.
  7. Hymn: “O God Our Help In Ages Past”, public domain.
  8. Gospel: Mark 10:17-31, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From Luke.
  10. Blessing: The Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6 (King James Version).
  11. Organ postlude: Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707), “Präludium g-Moll”, BuxWV 149, performed by Tobias Götting, Lambertikirche, Oldenburg, uploaded to YouTube by NOMINEeV, and used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

  1. Opening Acclamation: From Psalm 81:1.
  2. Hymn: “Love Divine All Loves Excelling” sung at Hyde Park Union Church, used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  3. First Reading: Genesis 2:18-24, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 9
  5. Hymn: “For the Beauty of the Earth”, public domain.
  6. Second Reading: Hebrew 1:1-4, and 2:5-12, World English Bible.
  7. Organ Sequence: David Johnson’s “Wondrous Love”, played by Joey Wetzels on the great Klais organ of the Monastery St. Michael in Steyl, uploaded to YouTube by Joey Wetzels, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  8. Gospel: Mark 10:2-16, World English Bible.
  9. “Lord Have Mercy” from Lutheran Vespers, Tacoma 2008. This was uploaded to YouTube by Pacific Lutheran University, and used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  10. The Lord’s Prayer from Matthew.
  11. Blessing: 1 Timothy 1:17.
  12. Organ postlude: J. S. Bach (1685–1750), “Präludium a-Moll”, BWV 543, performed by Lucas Pohle at Nikolaikirche Leipzig, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

The 18th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Call to Worship from Ephesians 1.
  2. Organ prelude: Max Reger (1873-1916) “Scherzo in D”, Op 65, performed by Raúl Prieto Ramírez, on the restored 1928 Skinner Organ at Hope College, MI, used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  3. First Reading: Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 19:7-14, King James Version.
  5. Hymn: “All Creatures of Our God and King” (verse 1), from the Diane Bish “Joy of Music” program “Hymns of Faith”, Performed at Miller Chapel, Princeton Theological Seminary, Creative Commons.
  6. Second Reading: James 5:13-20, World English Bible.
  7. Hymn: “If You Will Trust In God to Guide Thee.” Sung by Immanuel Congregational Church, Hartford. In the Public Domain.
  8. Gospel: Mark 9:38-50, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: From Matthew 6.
  10. Blessing: From Ephesians 3.
  11. Postlude: Max Reger (1873-1916) “Toccata and Fuge a-moll,” opus 80, performed by Kerstin Wolf on the Beckerath-Orgel in St. Petri, Hamburg, around 2015. This recording is used in accordance with the Creative Commons license.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

Pentecost 17th Sunday 2021
  1. Opening Acclamation: from Psalm 107.
  2. Hymn: “Come, Thou Almighty King”, unknown congregation, available in public domain.
  3. First Reading: Jeremiah 11:18-20, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 54, King James Version.
  5. Second Reading: James 3:13-4:3, 7-8, World English Bible.
  6. Organ Sequence: Starling Goodwin (1711-1774), “London Old, Interlude 1”, uploaded to YouTube by Chordis and Organo, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.  
  7. Gospel: Mark 9:30-37, World English Bible.
  8. The Lord’s Prayer: Chanted by unknown congregation, uploaded to YouTube by “LabourerFaith”, and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  9. Blessing: The Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6 (King James Version).
  10. Postlude: Nicholaus Bruhns (1665-1697) “Praeludium, e-moll”, performed on Arp Schnitger Orgel at Ganderkesee, by Thorsten Ahlrichs, use in accordance with Creative Commons licence.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Opening Acclamation: from Psalm 27:1.
  2. Organ prelude: Jeremiah Clarke (1674-1707), “Prince of Denmark March”, Performed by Michael Rondeau, available in the public domain, at
  3. First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 116:1-9, King James Version.
  5. Second Reading: James 3:1-12, World English Bible.
  6. Hymn: “Crown Him with Many Crowns”, public domain.
  7. Gospel: Mark 8:27-38, World English Bible.
  8. Lord’s Prayer: From the Book of Common Prayer 1662.  
  9. Benediction: From the Book of Common Prayer 1662.
  10. Postlude: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) “Fantasia and Fugue”, BWV 562, performed by Gosse Hulzinga, in the public domain at

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
  1. Opening Acclamation: from Psalm 57:5.
  2. Organ prelude: Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1706), “Praeludium und Fuge” BuxWV 147, performed on ernst stolz Hauptwerk Müller organ Oosterwijtwerd, uploaded to YouTube by “My Years With Early Music”, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  3. First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 147, King James Version.
  5. Response: G. F. Handel (1685-1759) “Praise the Lord”, performed in 2012 by “Con Anima” – St. Patricks College Choir. Used in accordance with Creative Commons License.
  6. Second Reading: James 2:1-17, World English Bible.
  7. Organ Sequence: Starling Goodwin (1711-1774), “London New, Interlude 3”, uploaded to YouTube by Chordis and Organo, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  8. Gospel: Mark 7:24-37, World English Bible.
  9. The Lord’s Prayer: from Matthew 6.
  10. Blessing: 2 Corinthians 13.
  11. Postlude: Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1706), “Toccata en Fa majeur” BuxWV 156, performed by Anne-Gaëlle Chanon on the orgue Schnitger de la Martinikerk de Groningen, used in accordance with Creative Commons license.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary.