Month: March 2025

  1. Opening acclamation: Psalm 27:1.
  2. Hymn: “O Worship the King”, Uploaded to YouTube by “bhepure isidoro”; Used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
  3. First Reading: Exodus 34:29-35, King James Bible.
  4. Psalm 99, King James Version.
  5. Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2, World English Bible.
  6. Hymn: “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”, Stanza 5. From a 2012 recording by Immanuel UCC Hartford, available in the public domain at
  7. Gospel: Luke 9:28-36, World English Bible.
  8. The Lord’s Prayer: From Luke.
  9. Blessing:  The Aaronic Blessing from Numbers 6.
  10. Organ Postlude: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” BWV 739, performed by Thorston Ahlrichs on Christian Vater Orgel (1722) in Bockhorn, St. Cosmas und Damian, uploaded to YouTube by NOMINEeV, and used in accordance with Creative Commons License.

The Bible passages were recorded by Librivox, and are in the public domain. Readings correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary. All audio files are given with attribution where known.